Tag Many Differences Between Ceramic And Porcelain Tiles

Discover The Differences Between Porcelain And Ceramic Tiles

Find Out What Ceramic Tiles Are Better For, And What Porcelain Tiles Are Better For

We all know that there are differences between ceramic and porcelain tiles. You can find out what those differences are at many differences between ceramic and porcelain tiles.
Both tiles are made of clay. However, porcelain tiles are made from a much finer mix of clay AND are fired at very high temperatures until 100% moisture comes out of them. Ceramic tiles are also made from clay, but they are fired at lower temperatures so they have less strength than porcelain tiles. But that’s why they are more suitable for cutting and setting.
Porcelain tiles are very resistant to liquids, so they are used for installation on floors in the bathroom and basement, as well as other places where there is moisture.

Many Differences Between Ceramic And Porcelain Tiles

They are also very stain resistant. Since porcelain tiles are very dense and impervious to a large number of substances, they cannot penetrate the tiles and remain on the surface, so they are very easy to remove by simply wiping. That is why it is good to use them in the kitchen, because it will be very easy to maintain. Due to their hardness, porcelain tiles can withstand heavy loads and are therefore best placed where rooms are used for commercial purposes. They are difficult to break and crack, so they will last a very long time without any damage. Maintenance is very easy and simple.

Ceramic tiles also retain water well, so they are used in bathrooms and other wet rooms. Colors are added to ceramic tiles, so there is a great possibility to design your bathroom or your kitchen the way you want. These tiles are good for people who are allergic. They cannot retain allergens.
If you want to know more details about the advantages and disadvantages of porcelain and ceramic tiles, one click is enough on many differences between ceramic and porcelain tiles. Here you will find everything that interests you.

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